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r sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C.
Top Secret
Matter for Chiefs
Through officer only
High Command of the Armed Forces
Prisoner-of-War Department
No. 26/41, Top Secret
Matter for Chiefs
10 copies—third copy
[Stamp] [Handwritten]
OKW/Armed Forces Opera- 1. Employment in labor
tions Staff/Dept. National service in the “Bar-
Defense (Kurst) barossa” area?
18 June 1941 2. Prisoners in allied coun-
No. 471024/41 Top Secret tries ?
[Initial] W [Warlimont]
[Initials] v.T. [VON TIPPELSKIRCH]
19 June
Berlin, 16 June 1941
Subject: Prisoner-of-War matters for Case “Barbarossa”
I. Organization
The responsibility for PW matters in Case Barbarossa covers—
for High Command of the Army, for the zone of operations and
the area of the German Army Mission to Rumania (see plan of
the organization, end. 1), for OKW/General Armed Forces Office,
the home territory including the Government General.
The OKW/General Armed Forces Office has arranged—
a. In the Government General and in Military District I, a
PW home organization to take over and take care of the PW’s
removed from the zone of operations, and
b. Camps in the rest of the Reich territory to take PW’s from
operation Barbarossa separated from all other PW’s.
To a above—The home organization includes the Government
General and Military District I and is subordinate to the Com-
mander of PW’s for Special Missions in the Government General,
Major General Herrgott, and the Commander of PW’s, Brigadier
General von Hindenburg in Military District I.
To the Commander of the PW’s are attached 3 PW district
commanders and 6 permanent PW camp commanders; to the
Commander of PW’s in Military District I, 7 officers PW camp
[Oflag] headquarters with permanent PW camp [Stalag] duties
are attached, as well as a permanent PW camp headquarters
organization (see enclosure 2). The two commanders of PW’s
set up from the camps under their command a PW reception
center directly at the border of territory of interest to Germany,
which takes the PW’s from the field army and sends them to the
PW home organization.
Position of the PW reception centers of the camps see en-
closure 3.
PW’s are handed over at the beginning of the operations
directly by the armies; as operations progress by the security
divisions which are between the front lines and the home terri-
tory in the army group rear area. In order to ensure a smooth
transfer of the PW’s in the operations area to the home territory,
liaison officers are furnished to the armies by the OKW. (For
regulations, see end. 4.)
The PW liaison officers are set up by the Commanders of the
PW’s for each army whose territory adjoins the area of juris-
diction of the appropriate commander. They are to be equipped
by the commanders of the PW’s with a car each. It is intended
to establish armed forces commanders later in the course of
operations for the occupied territories, and a commander of
PW’s will be assigned to them. The organization and field of
duties of the commander of PW’s will be prescribed in due time.
To b above—In the military districts of the remaining terri-
tories of the Reich the following PW camps will be set up:
Military District Permanent
PW Camp No. Location A ccommodation
II 313 Hammerstein 30,000
II 315 Hammerstein 30,000
II 302 Gr. Born 50,000
II 323 Gr. Born 30,000
IV 329 Zeithain 50,000
IV 304 Zeithain 50,000
VI 326 Senne 50,000
VI 328 Senne 50,000
VIII 318 Lamsdorf 30,000
VIII 308 Neuhammer 50,000
VIII Officers
PW Camp 58 Neuhammer 50,000
X 310 Munster 50,000
XI 311 Bergen 20,000
XI 321 Bergen 30,000
XI Bergen 50,000
XI 306 Altengrabow 30,000
XX 312 Thorn 50,000
XXI 301 Sieradz 50,000
IV 303 Koenigsbrueck 40,000
These camps will be subordinated to the Commanders of PW’s
in the military districts. The date for the camps to be able to
receive prisoners will be announced. Additional camps, “Rembertow” and “Mitte” are planned in the Government General. As to
their employment, channel of command, etc., a special order will
II. Removal of the Prisoners of War
a. From the field armies to the organization in the homeland.
From the prisoners taken, one part will be detained by the field
armies for their own requirements for labor, and formed into
labor companies (road and bridge building, cleaning up work,
land exploitation, etc.) The PW’s not required for this will be
removed to the PW organization in the homeland. Labor allocation
within the field armies will be carried out by the troops as well as
by the transit camps of the Security Divisions in the Army Group
Rear Area. (See end. 1.) The captured leaders (officers and non-
commissioned officers) will be separated at the earliest opportunity
by the field armies and removed to PW organizations in the home-
land. The separation of captured leaders from the other PW’s
must also be strictly adhered to in PW organizations in the home-
b. From PW organizations in the homeland to the camps in
the military districts. The Commanders of PW’s for Special Mis-
sions and I have to keep the PW quarters filled to their utmost
limit of capacity.
In determining the accommodation capacity, the possibility of
preventing mass escapes and mutiny, as well as the possibility of
providing sufficient sanitary care (danger of epidemics) is to be
taken into consideration. Removal of PW’s to camps in the Reich
can only be undertaken on special orders from the OKW.
III. Treatment of PW’s
Bolshevism is the deadly enemy of National Socialist Germany!
Extreme reserve and closest vigilance must therefore be observed
toward Red army PW’s. Treacherous behavior, especially from
Asiatic PW’s, is to be expected. Hence, ruthless and energetic
measures must be used at the slightest sign of resistance, espe-
cially against Bolshevist agitators. Complete elimination of any
active or passive resistance! Any contact between the PW’s and
the civilian population or the guards must be emphatically stop-
ped. The enemy has not recognized the agreement concerning the
treatment of PW’s of 27 July 1929. In spite of this, this agreement
forms the basis for the treatment of PW’s.
The following exceptions are ordered:
1. No labor employment of PW’s within economy, only for the
immediate requirements of the troops. Employment only by the
column under strictest custody.
2. No payment for work done. No pay for officers and medical
3. No confiscation of personal money and valuables. Where
the presence of large sums of money arouses suspicion of punish-
able acts or other illegal acquisitions (distribution of army
money), confiscation of this money, as captured money, without
receipt and safekeeping, will take place.
4. Reporting of PW’s to the Army Information Office is not
5. The index cards I and II according to Army Regulations
[manual] 38/5 are not to be used. With regard to the keeping of
special card files as a substitute for keeping lists, a special order
will be issued.
6. Clothing and equipment, especially kitchen equipment (army
kitchens), table ware, tents, etc., are to be allowed for the PW’s
with the exception of arms, and given to them when sent to
camps in the Reich.
7. A special order will be issued pertaining to the feeding of
PW’s. Until this decree is issued, regulations for PW’s are in
8. The regulations concerning “relations of the PW to the
outside world” (Protecting Power, relief organizations, etc.) are
not applied.
9. Spokesmen, according to Army Regulation 38/5, Art. 43, are
not to be appointed by the PW’s.
10. Court proceedings against PW’s are not subject to the
limitations prescribed in the agreement (participation of the
Protecting Power, suspension of the death sentence, etc.).
Strictest discipline must be observed in the camps. In order to
assist the guards, reliable PW’s are to be selected as camp police.
In addition, for security reasons, the counterintelligence will work
extensively with spokesmen.
IV. Treatment of the Minorities
Immediately after arrival of the PW’s in the permanent PW
camps of the organization in the homeland, they are to be sep-
arated according to their ethnic classification. For the time being
the following members of ethnic groups will be taken into
consideration: Ethnic Germans, Ukrainians, White Russians,
Poles, Lithuanians, Latvians, Estonians, Rumanians, Finns. In
case a further subdivision according to ethnic groups is necessary,
further orders will be issued.
The Chief of the OKW
[Illegible signature]
Commander of PW’s for Special Missions
Major General Herrgott, Kielce, 1st copy
Commander of PW’s in Military District I
Brigadier General von Hindenburg, 2d copy
For information to—
OKW/Armed Forces Operations Staff/
National Defense, 3d copy
OKW/Foreign Counterintelligence III, 4th copy
OKW/General Armed Forces Office/PW’s, 5th, 6th copies
High Command of the Army/Generalquartiermeister conjointly
with Mil. Commander in the Government General, 7th, 8th
High Command of the Army/Medical Inspector, 9th copy
High Command of the Army/Chief of Army Armament and
Commander of the Replacement Army, General Army Office,
10th copy
* Complete testimony is recorded in mimeographed transcript, 12-16 April 1948, pp. 1817-
1864; 1867—2155. Lengthy extracts from his testimony have been reproduced hereinbefore
concerning many topics in various sections. See index of testimony.

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