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KZ Soldau (польск.Działdowo)
NestorДата: Суббота, 04 Октября 2014, 11.11.01 | Сообщение # 1
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KZ Soldau (польск.Działdowo)

On order by Nebe, head of Amt V [department] (counter- criminality) in the RSHA, SS-Sturmführer Becker got the (steel) cylinders at the IG Farben [factory] in Ludwigshafen and delivered them to the different installations [17]. SS-Sturmbannführer Heess, head of the KTI, was knowledgeable/knew about the close relation/collaboration beteen the Führer's chancellery and the KTI [18].

The "Kaisers-Kaffe"-van operated through the same principle as the gas-chambers of the "Euthanasie"- installations. CO was guided into a trailer through hoses from a cylinder which was fixed to the tractor. This was, hence, a gas-chamber on wheels [19]. Witnesses report that since september 1939 the Sonderkommando Lange [Special command/task force] killed mentally insane people in such vans in pommeranian, eastern-prussian and polish hospitals [20].

The name of that command is derived from the name of its head, SS-Sturmführer and Kriminalrat Herbert Lange. The letter from the Higher SS- and Police leader Koppen to the SS-Gruppenführer Sporrenberg elucidates the operationing/work of that command in Soldau:

"The special command being under my command for particular tasks was sent to Soldau during the time from 21.5 to 8.6.1940 in accord with the RSHA and has evacuated 1588 insane persons from the transition-camp during that time." [21]

A vehicle of that kind was brought with Lange either from the RSHA (the testimonies by Gustav Sorge [22] and the important role of the Gruppe II D, technical matters, in the RSHA in the later development of the gas-van [23] back this assumption, or he organized its production in collaboration with the RSHA [24].

Alfred Trenker, deputy head of the Stapo bureau (state police) in Posen testified that Lange had told him in summer 1940, he, Lange, had to travel to Berlin and the RSHA several times because of "conferences/meetings about the suitable type of gassing-vans" [25].

These testimonies let suppose that the operationing of the "Kaisers-Kaffee"-vans was optimized for the purpose of the Sonderkommando Lange, which had probably the taks to practically test these vehicles. Apparently, they didn;t operate adequately (Lange mentioned something to that extent against Trenker [26]) and the Sonderkommando Lange was disbanded/ got leave soon after their task in Soldau. Starting from that time, there aren't found any reports about the operations/usage of that kind of vehicles.

The exchange of letters/correspondence about the still due payments in connection with the Sonderkommando Lange, which lasted till february 1941, shows that as well Himmler knew about the whole affair. In a letter by Koppe to Karl Wolff, head of the personal staff of the Reichsführer SS, dated 22. February 1941, it is mentioned, "that you by order of the Reichsführer SS would decide about the payments of the transportation costs" [27].

From the date of the first usage, we may infer that "Kaisers-Kaffee"-vans were prepared beginning in the end of 1939 till midyear 1940 with assistance of the Führer's chancellery and the RSHA.

Mathias Beer, "Die Entwicklung der Gaswagen beim Mord an den Juden," Miszelle. Vierteljahreshefte fuer Zeitgeschichte, 37 (3), pp. 403-417. [Translated from the German]

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NestorДата: Суббота, 04 Октября 2014, 11.27.00 | Сообщение # 2
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Есть основания полагать, что в тот же период, в мае-июне 1940 г., в Золдау были убиты в душегубках не менее полутора тысяч поляков, депортированных из Литвы.

"После присоединения в октябре 1939 г. Виленского края официальный Каунас приступил к так называемой «литвинизации» региона, обернувшейся преследованием местного польского населения.

Полицейские следили за тем, чтобы на улицах Вильно не разговаривали по-польски; закрывались польские образовательные учреждения. Десятки тысяч поляков были уволены с работы, однако этим дело не ограничилось. В марте 1940 г. власти Литвы лишили гражданства всех поляков, поселившихся в Виленском крае после 1920 г. В результате этого решения около 150 тысяч человек (без малого треть населения края) были одномоментно лишены важных политических и экономических прав: права свободно передвигаться, приобретать недвижимость, устраиваться на работу кроме как в сельском и лесном хозяйстве, вступать в политические организации (1).

Чуть раньше литовские власти развернули репрессии против нашедших приют в Виленском крае польских военных беженцев. Для «представляющих общественную опасность» беженцев начиная с декабря 1939 г. начали создаваться концентрационные лагеря (позднее переименованные в «лагеря принудительного труда»). Заключение польских беженцев в лагеря вскоре приняло столь значительные масштабы, что даже вызвало протесты Международного общества Красного Креста, охарактеризовавшего действия литовского правительства как «политику террора против беженцев» (2).

Не обошлось и без массовых арестов. Литовская полиция государственной безопасности проводила аресты поляков, подозревавшихся в принадлежности к польскому национальному подполью. В период с ноября 1939 по середину июня 1940 г. в Виленском крае было арестовано более 1500 человек (3), что процентном отношении к численности населения края было втрое больше, чем число арестованных НКВД за первые семь с половиной месяцев советской власти в Литве в процентном отношении к количеству населения республики (4).

Все эти антипольские акции литовских властей в той или иной степени описаны в научной литературе. Однако одно совершенное в 1940 г. литовскими властями преступление против польского народа вплоть до настоящего времени остается практически неизвестным не только широкой общественности, но и профессиональным историкам. Речь идет о состоявшейся весной 1940 г. тайной передаче арестованных литовскими властями поляков в руки гестаповцев.

Единственный исследователь, обративший на этот сюжет внимание – польский историк Ярослав Волконовский, в 1995 г. опубликовавшей весьма содержательную статью о борьбе литовской полиции госбезопасности с польским подпольем. В этой статье упоминается, что весной 1940 литовская сторона передала гестапо четыре транспорта с польскими заключенными. Передача заключенных осуществлялась на литовско-германской границе около города Сейн. Переданные нацистам заключенные впоследствии были помещены в концлагерь Зольдау (Soldau; польск. Działdowo) (5).

Следует отметить, что начиная с февраля 1940 г. в лагере Зольдау в рамках т.н. Акции «АБ» проводились массовые расстрелы арестованных представителей польской интеллигенции, общественных деятелей, государственных чиновников, священнослужителей и представителей польского подполья. К апрелю 1940 г. в лагере было уничтожено около 1500 человек; поэтому из тех, кто был передан гестаповцам литовской полицией государственной безопасности, выжить удалось немногим."

А. Дюков. Протекторат "Литва". Тайное сотрудничество с нацистами и нереализованный сценарий утраты литовской независимости

Обращает на себя совпадение количества заключенных, переданных из Литвы, и душевнобольных. В обоих случаях по полторы тысячи. Вместимость использовавшихся тогда душегубок составляла 30 чел.
1500 : 30 = 50. Количество использовавшихся автомобилей не указывается. Возможно, было более одного.
Постольку имеются достаточные основания предполагать, что они применялись и в последующее время, как было в Хелмно.

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Сообщение отредактировал Nestor - Суббота, 04 Октября 2014, 11.32.47
NestorДата: Суббота, 04 Октября 2014, 13.32.17 | Сообщение # 3
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"Gruppenfu"hrer Rediess asked Himmler's permission to borry the
highly efficient unit under Sturmbannfu"hrer Herbert Lange that had
carried out gassings from mental asylums in the Wartheland.
Rediess's subordinates then gathered more than 1,500 mental
patients from East Prussian facilities and another 250 to 300 from
Zichenau at the Soldau camp. The 'movers' from the vans, now
decorated with the name of a coffee firm, loaded one group aboard,
headed off, disposed of the bodies, and returned hours later for
the next victims. Between May 21 and June 6 the euthanasia patients
gathered at Soldau were all 'evacuated' in this way.<72>

Lange not only carried out activities quietly; he also left no
documentatary record for prying bureaucrats and historians until a
dispute broke out. Wilhelm Koppe was having trouble meeting all his
expenses in the Wartheland area, so he tried to make a profit off
the gassing experiments. When Rediess asked him for the use of
Lange's squad, he stipulated that Rediess pay a bonus to the squad
- ten makrs for every person killed - and Rediess supposedly
agreed. In fact, Rediess's subordinate Rasch paid Lange an advance
of two thousand marks before the opeation at Soldau began.<73>
Then, however, the squad and Koppe waited in vain for the rest of
the money. By October Kippe was forced to write a detailed letter
to Rediess's successor retracing the history of the affair and
asking for payment. Rediess, who had since become higher SS and
police leader in Norway, responded by mail, denying that he had
ever taken Koppe's request for money seriously.<74>

From these letters and telegrams we learn the details of the Soldau
'evacuations,' as they are called in the documents, and of
Himmler's direct involvement. According to Rediess, Himmler held
the gassing operation to be particularly important, and after the
men completed their 'difficult task,' Himmler ordered them to take
a vacation, which they chose to spend in Holland.<75>" (Breitman,

<72> Rediess to Wolff, 7 Nov. 1940, Herbert Lange SS file, Berlin
Document Center. Browning, "Faithful Months," 3, 59. Gerald
Fleming, "Hitler and the Final Solution," (Berkeley, 1984;
German original, 1982). The term 'evacuation' is used to
describe the Soldau operation in Koppe to Sporrenberg, 18 Oct.
1940, and Rediess to Wolff, 7 Nov. 1940, Lange SS file.
<73> Koppe to Sporrenberg, 18 Oct. 1940. Lange SS file.
<74> Ibid. Rediess to Wolff, 7 Nov. 1940. Lange SS file.
<75> Rediess to Wolff, 22 Oct. 1940 (Auszug); Koppe to Wolff, 22
Feb. 1941, Lange SS file. Brandt's phone records for 20 and 22
July 1940 show that Koppe called to discuss Sonderkommando
Lange on 20 and 22 July - about the time when the vacation
would have been under consideration. NA RG 242, T-581/R 39A.

Work Cited

Breitman, Richard. Architect of Genocide: Himmler and the Final
Solution. New York: Knopf, 1991


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NestorДата: Суббота, 04 Октября 2014, 13.35.42 | Сообщение # 4
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During September 1939, the barracks of the Polish 32st Infantery Regiment were transformed into a German POW camp. In the years after, this camp was expanded and 3 sub-camps (Ilowie, Mlawce and Nosarzewie) were attached to Soldau.

The camp Soldau served several functions between 1939 and 1945:
September 1939 - Fall 1939: POW camp.
Fall 1939 - Winter 1939/40: 'Selbschutz' camp.
Winter 1939/40 - May 1940: Transit camp.
May 1940 - 14 January 1945: Labor and penal camp.
18 January - October 1945: NKVD camp.

15.000 of the 30.000 prisoners who were held in this camp died. Soldau was liberated by the Red Army on 18 January 1945. Shortly after the NKVD took over the camp for its one purpose and deported many ethnic Germans and Poles to this camp.

The 15.000 camp victims are buried in 11 mass graves at the cemetery of Dzialdowo. Further more it is possible to visit a couple of memorial stones in Dzialdowo, Komorniki, Bialut and Ilowie.

Text: Kaj Metz


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NestorДата: Суббота, 04 Октября 2014, 13.38.04 | Сообщение # 5
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Памятник жертвам, Дзялдово.

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NestorДата: Суббота, 04 Октября 2014, 13.48.55 | Сообщение # 6
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Emil Otto Rasch (born 7 December 1891 in Friedrichsruh, † November 1, 1948 in Nuremberg) was a German war criminal. As an SS brigade leader and commander of Einsatzgruppe C, he was responsible for the massacre of Babi Yar.



Rapidly studied law, political economy and philosophy at various universities. He received his doctorate in law and political economy. He received his first doctorate in Marburg in 1912 for the work “dialect geography of the circle Eschwege”.

For a work entitled “housing market and housing policy in England during the war and postwar” he got in 1922 at the University of Leipzig a second PhD.


During World War II he was in the Imperial Navy, which he left as a lieutenant. As a lawyer, he practiced for ten years in Leipzig. During this time he worked as a legal advisor for several companies.

In September 1931 he became a member of the NSDAP. In 1933, he joined the SS.

After the “seizure” of the Nazis quickly became used successively as mayor and mayor in Radeberg in Wittenberg (1934-1936).

His time as mayor of Wittenberg was not renewed because of his questionable costs arose in the construction service villa. This is probably the cause will be seen that Rasch did not continue his local political career and recorded a career service in the ranks of the security services.

In 1938 he became head of the Gestapo in Frankfurt, then he held a similar function in Upper Austria.

After the destruction of Czechoslovakia in March 1939, he was Head of the SD in Prague, then chief of the SD and the Security Police (Sipo) in Königsberg.

War Crimes in World War II

Was rapid at 31 August 1939 a major role in the bogus raid on the Gleiwitz radio station. He led the raid on the house Pietschen forest.

In January / February 1940, Rasch, in agreement with Heydrich created the “transit camp” Soldau. After a subsequent statement Rasch “specifically for the purpose of effecting the necessary liquidations becoming inconspicuous”. Around 600 Polish and Soviet prisoners of war were murdered there.

From June to October 1941, he was chief of Einsatzgruppe C, which was followed by the Army Group South. His task force reported to the 20th October 1941 about 80,000 “Special Treated”, which were meant murdered.

He was responsible for the massacre of Babi Yar falls, where parts of his task force on 29 and 30 September 1941 33.771 Kiev he murdered Jews.

After his “probation” the mass murder quickly returned to the desk and was in the period from 1942 to 1945 director of the Continental Oil.

After 1945

After the war was quickly arrested. During the Einsatzgruppen Trial, there he fell ill with Parkinson’s disease and retired on 5 February 1948 due to illness from the procedure. Quickly died on 1 November 1948.


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NestorДата: Суббота, 04 Октября 2014, 14.02.38 | Сообщение # 7
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Soldau concentration camp
February 24th, 2014

Concentration Camp in Dzialdowo (German Soldau) – German concentration camp exists in various forms during the Nazi occupation in Dzialdowo in the years From 1939 to 1945. For a camp in Dzialdowo than 30 000 people, and about 15 000 deaths were here.

Działdowski camp also accounted for many of the prisoners an intermediate step. After a stay in Dzialdowo some prisoners deported to camps further – destination: Stutthof, Treblinka, Majdanek, III Fort Pomiechówek, Auschwitz, Gross-Rosen and Ravensbrück, Mauthausen, Gusen-Dachau, Fort VII in Poznan and Torun prison.

History of the camp

Prison “Black Flag” as the nucleus of Dzialdowo camp

As part of the Action AB from entering branches of the Wehrmacht on the grounds działdoszczyzny, ie from 2 September 1939 began the liquidation of the Polish intelligentsia and the people trusted by society. Mass arrests lasted until 31 December 1939 Those arrested were initially kept in very cramped jail, and then the Gestapo Headquarters located in the villa notary John Wyrwicz (Street. Wladyslaw Jagiello, where he was the Municipal Nursery).

In the cramped seat of the “Black Banner” detainees were tortured and murdered. The executions took place in the backyard or in the basement of the building. The bodies of the victims were taken to a forest near the village of Komorniki and here were buried in mass graves. It is assumed that from September 2 to December 31, 1939 by “Black Banner” over thousands of Poles. Due to the narrowness Germany tried to create a concentration camp.

Działdowo POW camp in Barracks 32 Infantry Regiment

In September 1939 Dzialdowo, in the former barracks 32 Infantry Regiment (Street. Grunwald) has created a transit camp for prisoners of war September campaign. The commandant of the camp was Hans Krause. The first prisoners were soldiers from the fortress of Modlin. This is followed by their segregation and eventually moving to permanent oflag Stalag s and s. Difficult conditions were the cause of death of many Polish prisoners of war.

Camp Selbstschutz

In autumn 1939 Selbstschutz (German “Self-Defense”) in the former barracks organized detention. The camp was also a place of torture and liquidation of Polish patriots. The prisoners huddled in the basement waiting for their turn to be shot. The executions took place in the camp, in the basement and the chamber hearings and in the forest near Bailiff, the Białutami (Fig. 1 and 2) and succinic em, at the Jewish cemetery in Dzialdowo and Żwirskiego woods near the town. In the years 1940 to 1943 in the forest under a debt collector Germans murdered several thousand Poles and Jews, including many from the camp in Dzialdowo who are resting on a specially established cemetery next to the other victims of Nazi terror, where a commemorative monument to their memory.

Durchgangslager – Interim Camp Działdowska

At the turn of 1939/1940 the office of the police and the SS in Königsberg transformed Działdowska camp in the Interim so. “Durchgangslager Soldau”. The first commandant of the camp was Dzialdowo: SS Hauptsturmführer Hans Krause, and his deputy – Willi Miller, former captain of the Polish Army, volksdeutsch. Commandant Krause colleagues were also działdowscy volksdeutschers, including: Anthony Krupski, Paul Skuza, Lukasz Wilhelm Gustav Swierman, Kurt Lenart, Belke Fritz, Fritz Dworak, Otto Szmaglowski, brothers Plazan and Koszowitz.

SS-Brigadeführer Otto Rasch was the creator of the latent extermination center in Dzialdowo (Soldau-Durchgangslager fur polnische Zivilgefangene) for the intelligentsia of the region, interned under the “Intelligenzaktion”. Otto Rasch presented the circumstances of this camp:

“When I took this position, I found there Hohenbruch, Rudau, Grossmischen, Beidritten, county jail a large number of political prisoners arrested by police operating groups. These prisoners were examined by me or by the Reich Security Main Office RSHA. In the course of the case, it turned out that some of these prisoners could be released. In relation to certain parts had to request placing them in concentration camps, and the last part of the prisoners, consisting of activists Polish resistance movement was best to eliminate it. Interim camp in Dzialdowo was deliberately created by me in winter, 1939, 1940, in order to make the necessary liquidation of a discreet “.

Działdowski camp had its Affiliates in:

• Iłów (photo 3, 4, 5)

• Mławce

• Nosarzewie.

The first prisoners were placed in a camp residents Dziatdowo Joseph Kolk, Francis Frydrychowski, priest Dr. John Łubieński, działdowski priest, Roman Grabowski teacher Adam Krajewski, Bernard Januszewski and Parniak.

For the final liquidation of the prisoners from 1 February 1940 began mass executions. They began arriving transports of prisoners from neighboring counties intelligence, social activists, officials, landowners and the priests and nuns.

The camp prevailed primitive conditions, lacking food. Sentenced to death were taken lapped trucks in the vicinity of the forest Komornicki where shot on a previously dug pits.

The action of this mass extermination of prisoners was completed in April 1940 Nazis in just a few months killed about 1,500 people here.

Educational Labor Camp and Camp Criminal

In May 1940, the camp was transformed into Dzialdowo “Educational Labor Camp,” and then in “Criminal Camp” for criminal and political prisoners, mostly sentenced to death.

Tortured to death here, among others: Bogdan Jalowiecki consul and his deputy John Piotrowski – Polish Consulate employees in Olsztyn ie.

Clerics – Special Group of Political Prisoners

The clergy were imprisoned in the camp in Dzialdowo from autumn 1939 to autumn 1941 Like others, there were inhumanly tortured and humiliated for their faith. They had to endure incredible dirt, insects, lack of food. In the camp in Dzialdowo priests were not allowed to wash, shave only twice a day were being driven by the Gestapo to nearby latrines among beatings with sticks, criminal practice and curses.

March 8, 1941, the Nazis brought to the camp Działdowo Archbishop Antoni Julian Nowowiejski and Bishop of Plock Leon Wetmańskiego, have been arrested on Feb. 28, 1940, in Plock u were taken to Słupna. Isolated them from the rest of the prisoners here in cell No. 12 and particularly persecuted. Archbishop Nowowiejski was subjected to various moral and physical torture, among other things, an attempt to profanation of the cross, which did not give up. He was murdered May 28, 1941. As the presumed place of his burial is mentioned in raspberry forest on Mount Komornicka and Białutach.

From April 2, 1941, in the camp was imprisoned 36 Capuchin Poor Clare Nuns sisters – the entire community Monastic House in Przasnysz u They put them in a filthy hut, with worms, straw and were crowded in cell number 31 In these inhuman conditions sister sanctify time of prayer of the Divine Office. She was among them Mieczyslaw Kowalska (Maria Theresa of the Child Jesus), soon after settling in the camp fell seriously ill with tuberculosis. Aware of the imminent death said he devotes his life to the sisters could return to Przasnysza. Two weeks after her death, all the sisters received an exemption from the Death Camp in Dzialdowo and returned to the monastery.

Founded by the Nazi transit camp became a place of death for thousands of people, including 50 priests. Murdered: 2 bishops, 47 priests and one seminarian Among the dead were:

• Blessed Fr. Archbishop Antoni Julian Nowowiejski – Bishop of Plock;

• Blessed Fr. Bishop Leon Wetmański – Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese of Plock;

• Blessed Sister Mieczyslaw Kowalska (Maria Theresa of the Child Jesus) – Sister of the Poor Clares convent of the Capuchin;

• FFrancis Giergielewicz – a canon of the collegiate Pułtusk, pastor of Plock in

• Fr. prelate, prof. Adolf Modzelewski – pastor of the parish in Plock, (where she had a revelation St. Faustina Kowalska), murdered in 1941

• F Adam Goszczyński (1875-1941) – parish priest Bodzanów organizer Volunteer Fire Department, Farmers’ and orphanages for poor children.

Epidemic typhus in the camp in Dzialdowo

Due to the lack of medical and sanitation outrageous in August 1941 at Camp typhus epidemic broke out. The Nazis decided that the best way to eliminate the epidemic will kill all patients. Then executed about 300 people, at least as many died from the disease. Those most vulnerable were murdered in the camp, the others were transported to a forest near Białut and there were buried together (fig. 2)).

Liquidation of the camp

Before the liquidation of 17 January 1945 set out from the camp Działdowo “March of Death” – healthy prisoners lined up in fours, with a raging snow blowout by the Nazis were herded north, into Germany. Long at about 2 km number of prisoners passed through Frygnowo, Ostróda, Old Jablonki and came to Zawady Small. There, a group of 120 prisoners were shot. Liberation lived only a few.

The camp ceased to exist January 18, 1945, after the invasion of the Red Army, but only for a few days.

Command and distributors NKVD camp in Dzialdowo

After the entry of 18 January 1945 to Dziatdowo Red Army, established in the District headquarter of the War, whose commander was Major Witalim Szitow. In the camp set up camp Działdowo command and distributors NKVD People’s Commissariat for Internal Affairs. Immediately began the arrests made ​​by the NKVD, the Poles, who during the occupation of the third group received a German (Deutsche Volksliste) and those belonging to the Army, or who disagree with the Soviet occupation.

Poles were brought to the camp from Pomerania, Warmia and Mazury and Mazovia. Were brought here also rounded up the Germans. The camp began to serve as a transitional services to the Soviet deportations of Poles from Pomerania to the gulags of the Soviet Union.

Around October 1945 the camp was finally liquidated.

Commemoration of the Victims Camp in Dzialdowo

The victims murdered in Dzialdowo and commemorates the area:• Monument Commemorating Victims of Crime Olsztyn chisel of the sculptor Richard Wachowski unveiled on May 9, 1965 near the village of Komorniki, the site of the largest in the region of mass executions of Poles and Jews, many of them imported from Działdowo camp.

• Monument Commemorating Extermination Camp (the same artist) issued in the former barracks of 32 Infantry Regiment Street. Grunwald.

• Monument to the Victims of Nazi in the forest near Białut, where in 1940-1943, the Nazis shot many thousands of Poles, including priests – Działdowo prisoners of the camp.

• An array of 56 names of parishioners who died in the camp and other places of execution. It is located in the vestibule of church.Wojciech Dzialdowo.

• A plaque on the place of execution in the Gestapo Headquarters, (Street.ON. Jagiello), which killed thousands of Poles.

• In the parish cemetery in Dzialdowo there are 11 mass graves in which lie more than 15 000 people were murdered in the years 1939-1942 by the Nazis. The bodies were exhumed from various places of execution and burial, near Dziatdowo. On the monument commemorating the scene.

• Plaque commemorating those killed in the camp Transition in Iłów – on the building (photo 4).

• Stone in honor of the murdered children and adults at the former Camp transitional Iłów (photo 5).

• Graves in the cemetery of the parish in Iłów.


Будьте здоровы!
NestorДата: Суббота, 04 Октября 2014, 14.37.02 | Сообщение # 8
Группа: Эксперт
Сообщений: 25597
Статус: Отсутствует
Отличная книга Henry Friedlander. The Origins of Nazi Genocide: From Euthanasia to the Final Solution. 1995

В этой книжке: коды смерти: 14f13 - убийство в газовой камере, 14f14 - казнь, 14f8 - самоубийство, 14f7 - естественная смерть.

И мн. др. т. п.

Будьте здоровы!
НазаровДата: Вторник, 20 Февраля 2018, 20.54.17 | Сообщение # 9
Группа: Администратор
Сообщений: 44459
Статус: Отсутствует
Фамилия Белянкин
Имя Михаил
Дата рождения/Возраст 25.02.1927
Судьба погиб в плену
Дата смерти 30.11.1944
Место захоронения Зольдау
Название источника информации ЦАМО
Номер фонда источника информации 58
Номер описи источника информации A-71744
Номер дела источника информации 1

Николай Викторович
в/ч 69711 1974-1976 осень
У России только два союзника - это Армия и Флот
НазаровДата: Вторник, 20 Февраля 2018, 21.11.52 | Сообщение # 10
Группа: Администратор
Сообщений: 44459
Статус: Отсутствует

Дзялдово — Зольдау (польск. Działdowo, нем. Soldau) — нацистский концентрационный лагерь.
Создан зимой 1939/40 года в городе Дзялдово на территории оккупированной Польши. За годы
войны в этот лагерь попали около 30 000 человек, из которых 13 тысяч были убиты.Лагерь
Дзялдово был основан по распоряжению Рейнхарда Гейдриха в 1939/40 году в качестве
транзитного и трудового лагеря. В рамках программы умерщвления Т-4 в Дзялдово депортировались
душевнобольные пациенты близлежащих клиник. С 21 мая по 8 июня 1940 года команда Герберта
Ланге убила 1 558 пациентов в газовых автомобилях (т. н. «газенвагенах»).
Летом 1941 года Дзялдово был перестроен под трудовой лагерь, в котором заключённые были
вынуждены работать на полях. Лагерь был закрыт в январе 1945 года.

Николай Викторович
в/ч 69711 1974-1976 осень
У России только два союзника - это Армия и Флот
НазаровДата: Вторник, 20 Февраля 2018, 21.14.58 | Сообщение # 11
Группа: Администратор
Сообщений: 44459
Статус: Отсутствует


Николай Викторович
в/ч 69711 1974-1976 осень
У России только два союзника - это Армия и Флот
НазаровДата: Вторник, 20 Февраля 2018, 21.24.44 | Сообщение # 12
Группа: Администратор
Сообщений: 44459
Статус: Отсутствует


Николай Викторович
в/ч 69711 1974-1976 осень
У России только два союзника - это Армия и Флот
ВалентинДата: Четверг, 10 Июня 2021, 11.40.26 | Сообщение # 13
Группа: Модератор
Сообщений: 8047
Статус: Отсутствует
Концентрационный лагерь Сольдау - Soldau concentration camp

Расположение KL Soldau во время Второй мировой войны, к северо-западу от лагеря смерти Треблинка
ВалентинДата: Четверг, 10 Июня 2021, 11.43.14 | Сообщение # 14
Группа: Модератор
Сообщений: 8047
Статус: Отсутствует

Obóz koncentracyjny w Działdowie (Soldau KL )

Cmentarz wojenny w Działdowie (Soldau)
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