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Модератор форума: Томик, Геннадий, Назаров  
Außenlager Bremen-Farge (KZ Neuengamme)
ТомикДата: Суббота, 12 Ноября 2011, 22.27.04 | Сообщение # 1
Группа: Администратор
Сообщений: 15590
Статус: Отсутствует
Außenlager Bremen-Farge (KZ Neuengamme)

Фарге — небольшой порт на р. Везер в Германии. Находится в черте г. Бремен. Во время Второй мировой войны в Фарге строилась крупнейшая в Германии база подводных лодок. Недостроенная база была разрушена в результате налета британской авиации 27 марта 1945 г.


Das Konzentrationslager Farge war ein Außenlager des KZ Neuengamme. Es existierte von Oktober 1943 bis zum 10. April 1945. Die Häftlinge dieses Lagers erbauten den etwa vier Kilometer vom Arbeitseinsatzort entfernten U-Boot-Bunker Valentin. Das Konzentrationslager lag in der Neuenkirchener Heide in der Nähe der Ortschaft Farge zwischen den Ortschaften Schwanewede, Lüßum und Rekum im Gebiet des heutigen Bundeslandes Niedersachsen.


Die Unterbringung der Zwangsarbeiter, KZ-Häftlinge, Kriegsgefangenen und Deportierten, die an dem Bau des Bunkers beteiligt waren, erfolgte in 7 Lagern. Diese lagen in drei bis acht Kilometern von der Baustelle entfernt.

Bei ihnen handelte es sich um
1 - das Lager Tesch
2,4 - die Marinegemeinschaftslager I und II
3 - die OT-Lager Heidkampf I und II
5 - Marinenbaubereitschaftslager
6 -das Arbeitserziehungslager (AEL)
7 - das Außenlager Farge des Konzentrationslagers Neuengamme.

ТомикДата: Суббота, 12 Ноября 2011, 23.23.57 | Сообщение # 2
Группа: Администратор
Сообщений: 15590
Статус: Отсутствует
Памятник заключенным и остарбайтерам, вынужденым работать в тяжелых условиях на строительстве бункера.



СаняДата: Суббота, 12 Ноября 2011, 23.39.22 | Сообщение # 3
Группа: Админ
Сообщений: 65535
Статус: Отсутствует
Расположение на карте

Qui quaerit, reperit
ТомикДата: Суббота, 12 Ноября 2011, 23.52.56 | Сообщение # 4
Группа: Администратор
Сообщений: 15590
Статус: Отсутствует
Die SS dokumentierte in dieser Zeit lediglich 553 Opfer, obwohl die Zahl deutlich höher lag. Die Arbeiten am Bunker wurden nach schweren Bombenangriffen Ende März 1945 eingestellt.
По данным "" СС " 553 , работающих на строительстве бункера. Предположительно число погибшим намного выше.
В ОБД сегодня не пробиться - не могу посмотреть данные по этому лагерю.
Еще ссылки на другие лагеря в той же местности


СаняДата: Суббота, 12 Ноября 2011, 23.57.37 | Сообщение # 5
Группа: Админ
Сообщений: 65535
Статус: Отсутствует
По этому лагерю нет данных.Есть по рабочему лагерю военнопленных.
Концлагеря были для гражданских и у них своя система была.
В городе жили и военнопленные,но в своем лагере Arbeitserziehungslager Farge

Qui quaerit, reperit
СаняДата: Воскресенье, 13 Ноября 2011, 00.49.28 | Сообщение # 6
Группа: Админ
Сообщений: 65535
Статус: Отсутствует
Graves Foreign Victims Bremen

(Germany - Bremen - Bremen)

At the Osterholzer Cemetery in Bremen is a field of honour with casualties from the Second World War from several countries. There are many Polish and Russian casualties, the victims are mostly laborers.

На кладбище Osterholzer в Бремене похоронены погибшие в годы войны Второй военнопленные из нескольких стран. Есть много польских и русских жертв, жертв в основном из рабочих команд.


Qui quaerit, reperit
ТомикДата: Воскресенье, 13 Ноября 2011, 19.49.48 | Сообщение # 7
Группа: Администратор
Сообщений: 15590
Статус: Отсутствует
СПИСОК ЛАГЕРЕЙ в БРЕМЕНЕ с 1933 по 1945 г.г.

Arbeitserziehungslager (Neuenkirchener Heide
Bremen (Farge Neuenkirchener Heide)
Freie Hansestadt Bremen

Außenlager des Konzentrationslagers Neuengamme
Bremen (Blumenthal- Deschimag Bahrsplate)
Freie Hansestadt Bremen

Außenlager des Konzentrationslagers Neuengamme

Bremen (Borgwardwerke)
Freie Hansestadt Bremen

Außenlager des Konzentrationslagers Neuengamme (Valentin)

Bremen (Farge Neuenkirchener Heide)
Freie Hansestadt Bremen

Außenlager des Konzentrationslagers Neuengamme
Bremen (Hindenburgkaserne)
Freie Hansestadt Bremen


Bremen (Humboldtstraße 10)
Freie Hansestadt Bremen

Außenlager des Konzentrationslagers Neuengamme (Hornisse)

Bremen (Neuenland)
Freie Hansestadt Bremen

Außenlager des Konzentrationslagers Neuengamme (Frauenlager)
Bremen (Obernheide)
Freie Hansestadt Bremen

Außenlager des Konzentrationslagers Neuengamme
Bremen (Schützenhof)
Freie Hansestadt Bremen

Außenlager des Konzentrationslagers Neuengamme (Firma Rodiek)

Bremen (Uphusen)
Freie Hansestadt Bremen

Einsatzort der II. SS-Baubrigade, dem Konzentrationslager Neuengamme unterstellt
Bremen (Schützenhof)
Freie Hansestadt Bremen

Erziehungslager bei Firmen (Gemeinschaftslager Goldina)

Bremen (Seebaldsbrück)
Freie Hansestadt Bremen

Bremen (Geestemünder Straße 32)
Freie Hansestadt Bremen

Bremen (Rembrandtstraße 25)
Freie Hansestadt Bremen

Sammelstelle für Sinti und Roma (Schlachthof)

Freie Hansestadt Bremen

Schutzhaftlager (Auswandererheim)

Bremen (Findorf Walsroder Straße)
Freie Hansestadt Bremen


Bremen (Ochtumsand)
Freie Hansestadt Bremen

Schutzhaftlager (Festungsanlage Langlütjen II)
Bremerhaven (Langlütjen)
Freie Hansestadt Bremen


НазаровДата: Пятница, 02 Ноября 2018, 21.10.54 | Сообщение # 8
Группа: Администратор
Сообщений: 44459
Статус: Отсутствует


Николай Викторович
в/ч 69711 1974-1976 осень
У России только два союзника - это Армия и Флот
НазаровДата: Пятница, 02 Ноября 2018, 21.12.02 | Сообщение # 9
Группа: Администратор
Сообщений: 44459
Статус: Отсутствует


Николай Викторович
в/ч 69711 1974-1976 осень
У России только два союзника - это Армия и Флот
НазаровДата: Пятница, 02 Ноября 2018, 21.12.59 | Сообщение # 10
Группа: Администратор
Сообщений: 44459
Статус: Отсутствует
памятная доска / Мемориал Бункер Валентин


Николай Викторович
в/ч 69711 1974-1976 осень
У России только два союзника - это Армия и Флот
AlenuschkaДата: Вторник, 07 Ноября 2023, 18.16.54 | Сообщение # 11
Группа: Поиск
Сообщений: 2280
Статус: Отсутствует
In the autumn of 1943 the fourth Neuengamme subcamp was established in Bremen-Farge. According to the register of inmates, from the time it was established, Farge was the second largest Neuengamme subcamp. (The only official number is from March 25, 1945. At that point there were 2,092 prisoners in the Bremen-Farge subcamp).

The majority of prisoners were used to construct an underground U-boat shipyard with the code name “Valentin.” It was one of the most important of the new construction projects for the German Navy. The bunker was situated in the north of Bremen on the Weser River. Once it was complete, prefabricated U-boat sections were to be welded together on a production line and then equipped. Marineoberbaurat Edo Meiners from the Marineoberbauamt Bremen was in charge of the site. On July 20, 1944, the Amt Bau OT took over the whole naval construction program. Meiners remained responsible for the construction in Farge but he was now in command of the OT-Oberbauleitung Unterweser. He worked closely with the two large Bremen shipyards, which were some of the largest manufacturers of U-boats in Germany. The Deschimag AG, part of the Krupp Group, was in charge of a smaller U-boat bunker in the center of Bremen (located at Bremen-Neuenland and Bremen-Osterort). The Bremen Vulkan-Shipyard, part of the Thyssen Group, took control of the Project Valentin.

When constructed, the gigantic bunker was to be 426 meters long and 97 meters wide, with a height of up to 33 meters (446 yards by 106 yards by 36 yards). In order to complete the project around 10,000 workers, the majority of whom were forced laborers, had to work daily on the construction site. Prisoners of war, civilian forced laborers, and also concentration camp prisoners were employed.

The first transport of concentration camp prisoners to arrive in Farge was a small detachment required for the construction of the camp. This detachment consisted of a few German befristeten Vorbeugungshäftlingen (BV or Greens)—police preventive custody prisoners—as well as Polish and Soviet prisoners. The camp elder was Erich Meissner, a German political prisoner. A prisoner described him as an alcoholic and brutal madman. (After the war Meissner became the Leipzig mayor.) The higher prisoner-functionary positions were allocated to the German Greens. The lower prisoner-functionary positions, especially the Kapos, View This Term in the Glossary were mostly Polish prisoners. Work on the foundations for the U-boat bunker began in the spring of 1944. At that time one or two transports arrived daily in Farge, so that the number of prisoners increased to between 800 and 1,000. The heavy work must have caused a high death rate in the camp, as by the summer the number of prisoners had already dropped back to around 500.

On August 1, 1944, a transport of 2,000 prisoners reached Farge. The majority of these prisoners were French. Other large national groups in the transport were Poles, Soviets, and Greeks. The majority of the existing reports and interviews from survivors originate from prisoners of this transport. Little is known about the period during the camp's construction but there are more details for the period from the summer of 1944.

The concentration camp prisoners worked in Farge in two shifts, each of 12 hours. The prisoners in the day shift were awakened around 4:00 a.m. and had to set forth to the bunker around 6:00 a.m. They worked from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., with only a break for a noon meal. The prisoners rarely got to go to bed before 10:00 p.m. as they had to march back to the camp, attend roll call, and eat their dinner. At most, they had six hours' sleep a day. The concentration camp prisoners were used on the heaviest and most unpleasant work that there was on the construction site. This was, above all, the cement detachments, where the prisoners had to shift heavy bags of cement or fill the cement mixers. The dust from the cement was a torture for the prisoners: “During the night the cement, which had settled on the nasal hairs, formed a crust which made breathing difficult. You had to use your fingers to get the concrete out—as well as the hairs as they were part of the concrete.... It sometimes happened that when I was coughing that I spat out a white ball, which just about ripped apart my chest.”

The worst work was on the so-called iron detachments (Eisenkommandos), where iron and steel girders had to be transported. The French survivor Raymond Portefaix has stated that one's life expectancy fell dramatically on being allocated to such a detachment. He described such iron detachments as suicide squads (Himmelfahrtskommandos).

The camp was about four kilometers (2.5 miles) from the construction site in the Rekum Feldmarsch. Initially the prisoners went to work by foot directly through the local community. Later they were taken in little railway wagons. The SS and Kriegsmarine took few steps to hide the subcamp and the prisoners from the local population. A local photographer was even able to enter the subcamp and take a number of photographs. The prisoners were accommodated in an underground navy fuel tank. The circumference of the tank was 50 meters (55 yards) and inside it had a height of 6.8 meters (7.4 yards). The cover was made of cement and camouflaged with sand. Inside the fuel tank there were separate quarters for the Kapos, View This Term in the Glossary a couple of showers, a toilet block as well as a long row of tables for washing. The remainder of the tank consisted of bunkbeds separated into five prisoner blocks. On the surface of the camp there were initially three barracks which functioned as the kitchen, sick bay, and office. The result was that all the prisoners, with the exception of the sick and a few prisoner-functionaries, were held in the underground fuel tank. Following the arrival of the transport of August 1, 1944, another two surface barracks were constructed, which at times were used to accommodate the prisoners. As in most subcamps the food was scarcely sufficient to ensure the prisoners' survival.

At first the prisoners were guarded by the SS, but as the subcamp system expanded there were insufficient SS personnel for this task. In Farge, it was mostly naval infantry who took over the SS role. From the summer of 1944, a Marine Reserve Detachment of around 250 men took over guarding the prisoners. At this time an injured Army Captain, Ulrich Wahl, was appointed commander of the Farge subcamp. The SS was represented only by a handful of men who held the few positions within the subcamp. On the construction site, the prisoners were supervised by German foremen. They were driven to work by the Kapos. View This Term in the Glossary It was left to the prisoner-functionaries to maintain order within the camp. This situation gave privileged prisoners advantages. It changed little in the daily destruction of life. The camp personnel and the guards seldom interfered in the camp. Portefaix wrote the following: “What is typical in Bremen-Farge is the almost complete dependence of the prisoners on the lower ranks. The SS relied for discipline and work on them on the basis of the privileges they would get.... When the Kapos were preoccupied with their own affairs we could stretch out on the plank beds.... On the other hand—the brutality they showed when an SS man appeared in order to justify their privileges!”

Due to the heavy nature of the work, Farge was one of the Neuengamme subcamps with a relatively high number of victims. The exact numbers are difficult to ascertain due to the lack of sources. Heiko Kania identified 553 named victims, but the real number is likely to be higher.

The majority of the victims who have been identified were French prisoners. Their identification is based on postwar lists prepared by surviving French prisoners. As it is only the French prisoners who were able to comprise lists it can be assumed that more prisoners of other nationalities died than are officially recorded. Despite the high number of victims in the subcamp, post-war investigations in Farge concentrated on the nearby Arbeitserziehungslager (Labor Education Camp, AEL). The reason for this was that the British investigators determined that British soldiers had been imprisoned in the AEL. The Bremen State Prosecutor's Office, which later conducted investigations, appeared to have little interest in pursuing criminal acts. It concentrated on questioning a former head of the AEL and as a result, so far as known, there were no convictions of any of the perpetrators in Farge including the subcamp.

The evacuation of the Farge subcamp began on April 10, 1945. In the days before, the evacuated prisoners from other Bremen subcamps had been sent to Farge. The majority of the prisoners were forced to march to Neuengamme where they arrived on April 15. An unknown number of prisoners marched straight to the Sandbostel prisoner-of-war camp where they were liberated by the British Army. A transport of sick prisoners wandered for a week between Bremen and Hamburg before it, too, ended up in Sandbostel.

пока так скинула может тут что по передвижениям из этой команды выищем

October 1943 to 10 April 1945

Number of Prisoners
3000 Male Prisoners

Kind of Work
Construction of the "Valentin" submarine pens

мемориал бункер валентин
адрес для запросов
Dr. Christel Trouvé
Wissenschaftliche Co-Leitung
Telefon: 0421 69 67 36 70
AlenuschkaДата: Вторник, 07 Ноября 2023, 18.17.04 | Сообщение # 12
Группа: Поиск
Сообщений: 2280
Статус: Отсутствует
Form und Inhalt
Поименный список Журнала смертей в морском госпитале Фарге в Нойенкирхен
Место хранения - архив Бремена / Bremen, Staatsarchiv
доступен по запросу
Namentliche Aufstellung aus dem Sterbebuch des Marine-Hospitals Farge in Neuenkirchen
AlenuschkaДата: Вторник, 07 Ноября 2023, 18.17.14 | Сообщение # 13
Группа: Поиск
Сообщений: 2280
Статус: Отсутствует
[b]План кладбища Бремен-Фарге, морской госпиталь
с указанием:
1) номер могилы
2) фио захороненного
3) даты смерти
4) национальности у наших - RUSS.

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